Welcome to Yumoh...!
We decided to create this blog
to document our ongoing Adventures in Food,
Photography & Creativity.
After much excitement researching cameras and equipment and techniques and styles - I took the plunge and upgraded to DSLR, which is a journey in itself - and we are finally ready to throw our hat in the ring and blog the results of our creative efforts.
When I say 'we', it's me and my friends - mostly me taking the pictures, in collaboration with my sweet and clever friends acting as 'guest stylists', muses, kind critics and general sharers in the milieu of all kinds of creative endeavour and expertise.
We have a loosely defined aim to work towards a cook-book for publication, but as with life, it is the Journey that matters as much as the final outcome. So what you will find in the e-pages on this site is a document of the creative development of our style of recipes and image-making. Besides recipes, there will also be occasional posts regarding creative practice, documenting the technical and artistic discoveries we make a long the way, as well as sharing pictures of the things that inspire our vision.
Our Philosophy?
Food is primal; along with shelter it is a basic need for survival and is an inalienable human right. But beyond survival, cooking and eating with the 'tribe' - our friends and family from around the world - is fun, creative, pleasurable, joyful and life-affirming - that's basically the idea behind this blog: sharing really good food is what it's all about.
The recipes you will find here arise from the kitchens of friends and family, day-to-day in our houses and apartments in Sydney Australia and from around the world when we venture further a-field on journeys and adventures. No fancy studios and no trickery with the styling: just passionate people who love cooking and creativity and getting together to share the fun.
The recipes are gathered from diverse sources, from the many different cultures that our friends arise from. What unites these recipes however, are the universal values of cooking really good food. By the notion of “Really Good”, we mean not only food that looks and tastes good, but food that is truly good for us: good for our bodies and good for the planet.
One of my favourite books from the 80's furnished this quote:
There are two Mantras:
Yum & Yuck
- Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker. 1980
Eating well and enjoying the good health that follows really does depend on being able to distinguish between what's good for us and what is not - knowing the difference between Yum and Yuck.
But as Michael Pollan wrote in The Omnivore's Dilemma, this is not always obvious with modern pre-packaged food and mass-marketing of junk "foods".
So we think it is doubly important to share ideas for producing, cooking and eating real food with each other, to pass on the wisdom that has been shared with us by our families and friends from diverse and long-standing cultures around the world. We like to 'walk-the-talk' and really put into these principles of sustainability into practice – using organic ingredients and seasonal produce, sourced locally wherever possible and processed without artificial chemical additives, cooking and eating food that is really, truly Good.
We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do in making these meals to share and we welcome your comments and contributions.
kindest regards, Kyle
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